In addition to having a fantastic last name, Australian designer Lola Peacock also happens to have a fantastic choice in subjects. From animals to plants, popping pastels to shades of grey, each of her compositions is an impeccably designed portrait. We sat down with her over a drink and had a chat about life Down Under, her creative journey and the beauty of motherhood.

What’s your favourite drink at Happy Hour?

I’ll have a bourbon and coke please!


You live in Australia. What about life Down Under do you cherish most?

I cherish the birds and the mountains, the forests and the friendliness of country folk. I also appreciate the vast differences in our landscape from deserts to tropics to oceans. And of course our lifestyle, which is pretty relaxed and involves lots of BBQs.

We have great cities full of art and various cultures which makes for meeting interesting people. I could go on, there is lots I love about Australia!


Where do you get the animal photographs that you use in your designs?

They come from a few different places. Some are my own photographs, some are stock images purchased under license and some are a collage of different photos to make the perfect animal.


If you had a spirit animal, what would it be and why?

I guess it would be the dragon from The Neverending Story as I loved him as a child.


How would you describe your style?

Minimalistic, graphical, earthy and contemporary. Your artwork explores everything from geometric abstractions to aerial landscapes to animal and plant portraits.


Tell us a little bit about your creative journey.

In my creative journey I love to explore new ideas and then different takes on them. I have a bunch of ideas for all sorts of new work and hope to get into that soon, after we settle into our new house and new studio. Hopefully there will be more abstract-y, ink-y paintings!


What’s the story behind your pseudonym Lila x Lola?

It popped in my head one night and wouldn't leave! I’m happy with our name as it encapsulates the mother-daughter relationship.

Tell us a little bit more about motherhood. How did it change you as a person? As an artist?

Motherhood is an amazing journey and experience; the best yet. As a person, I’m now responsible for another’s life and aim to lead her by setting a good example of being the best version of myself that I can be.

As an artist, time is now limited. When I'm not able to create, I have lots of time to think about what I'd love to create. Overall you appreciate every moment of life more.


If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?

Apart from my first choice of my daughter and partner, it would be a pocket knife, a journal and matches!


Colourful or black and white?

Black and white, it’s classic.


Thanks Lola!