There are two kinds of mug. “Half-full” enjoys life one big swig at a time. But luckily, “half-empty” can be refilled at any time. And as our eyes are sometimes bigger than our stomachs, we’ve printed our beautiful designs on tea & coffee mugs.

The quest for the Holy Grail
Your morning pick-me-up to get that creative energy flowing. An afternoon tea, scones optional. That warm wintry cuppa whilst wrapped in a cosy fleece blanket to send you to slumberland.
Our daily rituals become that little bit more precious with a nice cup of coffee or gulp of hot chocolate. Even more so when that elixir of life comes served in a vessel that fits your personality and penchants. Our printed ceramic mugs are the proverbial cherry on top of any breakfast table, and a homage to good taste!
Like it same, same, but different? Bring even more style into your kitchen with beautiful tea towels.
Wanna come in for a coffee?
I would love to. How do you take yours—black & white, colourful, abstract, patterned, plain, funny, or with wordplays? We've got mugs for everyone's taste and anyone's style.
Mornings ain’t your cup of tea? Then get out of bed, stumble to the kitchen and pour yourself a cup of ambition. It’s work time. Especially in the office, a sip of humour is sometimes essential for your own sanity. Ceramic tea mugs with witty sayings will keep your co-workers entertained. Even Carol from Controlling will muster a smirk next coffee break.
Damn good coffee mug
“A damn fine cup”, declares David Lynch's cult hero Agent Dale Cooper, as he slurps on his late-morning joe and tucks into a slice of cherry pie in the Double R Diner—the highlight of Twin Peak's culinary scene.
A truly damn good cup of coffee is about more than simply beans and water, and Agent Cooper knows this. It's about the ambience and experience of it all. It's about taking in the moment and truly enjoying it. And to do that right, you need a mug to match. Re-energise in style with fiendishly cool coffee mugs. Java not your thing? We'll forgive you for drinking tea instead.