It's often said that it’s the thought that counts. But sometimes thinking alone just doesn’t cut it. Sometimes, we want to go above and beyond, especially when searching for a gift for the men in our lives who seem to have just about everything. From fathers and brothers to friends and lovers, they’re the eclectics, aficionados, romantics and adventurers close to our hearts. Your brother who spends his holidays off the beaten track. Your best mate who only spends his evenings in exquisite, off-the-radar restaurants. Your dad who has the latest gadgets and gizmos months before they’re on the market.
So what to get the man who has everything? Give him the gift of art and complement his hobbies, interests and downright awesome personality! Here are our 7 offbeat gift ideas for 7 types of men in your life.
The Seasoned Adventurer
Intrepid is the first word that comes to mind when you think of him. Sometimes following a convoy of Bedouins through the desert, sometimes climbing Mount Fuji unassisted, you never really know where he is. Passionate about nature, he’s fascinated by botany, astronomy and extreme sports of all kinds. His next expedition? Probably crossing the Arctic in a dog sledge. Give him an artwork that will remind him of his fondest travel memories or his dreams of tomorrow.
The Alpha Geek
From devouring French new wave cinema to re-reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy to just listening to Pulp’s entire back catalogue in one sitting, he’s a man of eclectic tastes and knows his passions inside in, inside out. Every time you give him a present, he’s already seen it, heard it, read it or played it. So instead of reaching for a box set for the umpteenth time in a row, why not delight him with an artistic effigy of his (pop)cultural idol in the form of a framed print?
The Modern Dandy
Cultivated, refined and always the most interesting person in the room, the sophisticated dandy is one of the most complicated people to surprise. His house is tastefully decorated with rarities and oddities. His jumper? Found it on a trip to Copenhagen in a small vintage shop. His living room furniture? Inspired by Bauhaus and sourced largely from a flea market in Berlin. He likes to juxtapose styles from past to present, so get him a retro poster to complete his interior look.
The Romantic
He’s your man, your hubby, your better half. He constantly manages to sweep you off your feet with presents, surprises and romantic gestures. He’s quite simply the stuff of romcoms, and that’s a fact. Our tip: a fleece blanket printed with a motif that reminds you both of adventures you’ve had together for your own private cuddle party. Because nothing’s more romantic than a cocoon for two.
The Ambitious One
He knows what he wants, he knows what he loves and he’s not afraid to take life by the horns to get it. Remind you of someone? He’s the kind who likes to bring his A-game and always be one step ahead. Help him organise his busy schedule with a personal planner filled with motivational quotes. Go the extra mile and fill it with a few extra special dates that shouldn’t be forgotten and it will really touch his heart.
The Jester
He’s always quick on the proverbial draw with the right comeback, reference or anecdote. He’s the joker who makes the whole table LOL. You’re never short on amusement in his presence. He knows every Ricky Gervais skit off by heart and already has his tickets to the next Sarah Millican show. Give him some of the joy he’s constantly giving others with a mug that will make him smile every morning.
The Insatiable Epicurean
He’s a foodie through and through and sees eating as a form of high culture. He swears by organic wines, superfoods and fusion kitchens. And he’s on first-name terms with pretty much every pop-up restaurateur. Get him a culinary print to feast his eyes on. After all, food is basically just tasty art.
Et voilà! Now you know what to gift that man in your life who has everything. Still stuck? Then take a look at our gift selections for him on our gifting world.
Text: Diane Mironesco
Translation: Nicholas Potter